About Me

I am a Spiritual Intuitive who has been developing and facilitating workshops and various forms of release since 1996.

I am very good at helping you identify and release the need to withhold love.

I have been practicing "A Course In Miracles" since 1986 and 'The Option Process' since 1992. My first introduction to the Course was Gerald Jampolsky's "Love is Letting Go of Fear".  It literally shook my roots!  I lived, ate and breathed it.  I'm not exaggerating.  (Yeah, I can be very intense and prone to balance issues.) Option Process helped me break through resistance to really living the Course in my daily life.
Integrating these two approaches to healing and happiness became such a personally life altering process that I felt guided to share it with others...
Hence, the creation of the experiential workshop TIMSHEL:  The Power Link.
Visit TIMSHEL: The Power Link
and TIMSHEL Inner Work:

The Intuitive Core-Energy Release practice I've developed grew out of a need to assist POWER LINK workshop participants to let go of their resistance to stop withholding love and happiness.  It began with straight "Option Process".  As I became both more experienced and more intuitive - 'Option Dialogues' evolved into a combination of Uncovering, Deep-Caring and Energy Healing.  Release with Trigger Points came out of personal, very powerful healing experiences using therapeutic quality essential oils.

Also, around this time, I began practicing (and eventually facilitating) expanded meditation techniques that involved channeling.  I had already been meditating daily for about five years (having begun in 1993).  Although extremely sensitive to feeling all my life, this is when my clair-sentience (clear feeling) really started blossoming - along with clair-audience (clear hearing) and clair-cognizance (clear knowing).  The more I've used and trusted these 'muscles', the stronger they have become.
My "Option Process" training had taught me the value of being nonjudgmental, non-manipulative and non-directive, allowing each new discovery to move me to the next - basically to "let go of the results and trust in the process."  And life continues offering me daily opportunities and challenges to practice this lesson!
This process has really evolved, and continues to evolve and guide the Intuitive Core-Energy Release practice I offer today.  Though vastly different on the surface from where I started - it really feels more like a flowering of the same process.
And, how cool is that?

At My Core, I'm An Artist
I've realized that if I'm not creating I'm miserable.  I literally go into major resistance mode and it's not pretty.
So, after seriously limiting and practically abandoning that core urge for way too long, picking it up again and running with it -
one of the ways I trust love now,
has really made my heart sing and my soul soar.  I love working with all kinds of pastel and chalk.  I love integrating healing vibrations into my art.  And, I especially love creating with chalk on slate!
Visit Kat's Art-Trust Love Now:

The intention for this blog has been germinating in me for a very long time (as well as a calling to create a talk radio show). This is my first leap in and I am so honored to have you join me!  Thank you.

  "We go beyond appearances today  
  and reach the source of healing,  
  from which nothing is exempt...  
  This is the day when healing comes to us.  
  This is the day when separation ends,  
  and we remember Who we really are."  
"A Course In Miracles"
Foundation For Inner Peace
